Scientific papers by Zbyněk Roček
1. (1968) Příspěvek k faunistice čolka horského (Triturus alpestris) v Čechách. - Živa, 15: 224 /A contribution to the faunistics of the Alpine newt (Triturus alpestris) in Bohemia/
2. (1970) Rozšíření čolka horského,
Triturus alpestris (Laurentius, 1768) v severovýchodních Čechách. - Acta musei reginaehradecensis S.A: Scientiae naturales, 11: 63-70 /Distribution of the Alpine newt, Triturus alpestris Laurentius, 1768) in north-east Bohemia; with German summary/3. (1971) Faunistické materiály z východních Čech - II - Práce a studie - Přír., Pardubice, 3: 197, 199, 200 /Faunistic data from eastern Bohemia/
4. (1972) Rozšíření čolka horského (Triturus alpestris Laur.) v severních Čechách. - Sborn. Severočes. Mus., Ser. Natur., Liberec, 4: 45-52 /Distribution of the Alpine Newt (Triturus alpestris Laur.) in the north Bohemia; with German summary/
5. (1973) Obratlovci severovýchodních Čech. Soupis literatury do roku 1970. - Státní vědecká knihovna v Hradci Králové & Krajské muzeum v Hradci Králové, pp. 1-212 /Vertebrates of the north-east Bohemia. Bibliography until 1970/
6. (1974) Veränderungen der Körperproportionalität während des Wachstums im Populationsmuster des Wasserfrosches Rana esculenta (Linnaeus, 1758) (Amphibia: Ranidae). - Věstník Československé společnosti zoologické, 38: 215-227
7. (1974) Biometrical investigations of central European populations of the Alpine newt - Triturus alpestris alpestris (Laurenti, 1768) (Amphibia: Urodela). - Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Biologica (1972): 295-373
8. (1974) Beitrag zur Erkennung der Neotenie des Alpenmolches Triturus alpestris (Laurenti, 1768). - Věstník Československé společnosti zoologické, 38: 285-294.
9. (1974) Netopýři Orlických hor a Podorlicka. – Orlické hory - Podorlicko, 6: 53-67 /Bats of the Orlické Mountains and their foothills/
10. SMIRINA, E. & Z. ROČEK (1976) On the possibility of using annual bone layers of Alpine newts, Triturus alpestris (Amphibia, Urodela), for their age determination. - Věstník Československé společnosti zoologické, 40: 232-237 (PDF 6.5 MB)
11. (1977) On the form Triturus alpestris lacusnigri (Seliškar and Pehani, 1935). - British Journal of Herpetology, 5: 679-683.
12. (1977) Obojživelníci a plazi. In: Roček, Z. (Ed.) Příroda Orlických hor a Podorlicka. Muzeum Orlických hor ve Státním zemědělském nakladatelství Praha, pp. 607-614 /Amphibians and reptiles of the Orlické Mountains/
13. SKLENÁŘ, J. & Z. ROČEK (1977) Savci. In: Roček, Z. (Ed.) Příroda Orlických hor a Podorlicka. Muzeum Orlických hor ve Státním zemědělském nakladatelství Praha, pp. 635-647. /Mammals of the Orlické Mountains/
14. SKLENÁŘ, J. & Z. ROČEK (1979) Zoogeografie obojživelníků a plazů východních Čech. - Krajské muzeum východních Čech v Hradci Králové, pp. 1-64. /Zoogeography of amphibians and reptiles of eastern Bohemia/
16. (1980) Intraspecific and ontogenetic variation of the dentition in the Green Lizard Lacerta viridis (Reptilia, Squamata). - Věstník Československé společnost zoologické, 44: 272-277.
19. MOODY, S. & Z. ROČEK (1980) Chamaeleo caroliquarti (Chamaeleonidae, Sauria): a new species from the Lower Miocene of central Europe. - Věstník Ústředního ústavu geologického, 55: 85-92.
22. BÖHME, W., Z. ROČEK & Z.V. ŠPINAR (1982) On
Pelobates decheni Troschel, 1861, and Zaphrissa eurypelis_Cope, 1866 (Amphibia: Salientia: Pelobatidae) from the early Miocene of Rott near Bonn, West Germany. - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2: 1-7.23. RAGE, J.-C. & Z. ROČEK (1983)
Dolniceophis lehmani (Serpentes, Colubridae), a new fossil snake from the Lower Miocene of Czechoslovakia. - Časopis pro mineralogii a geologii, 28: 17-21.29. (1985) Evoluce obratlovců. - Academia, Praha, pp. 1-212. /Evolution of vertebrates/
31. RAGE, J.C. & Z. ROČEK (1986)
Triadobatrachus revisited. - In: Roček, Z. (Ed.) Studies in Herpetology, Prague 1986, pp. 255- 258.32. (1987) Some features of the skull ontogeny in frogs (Amphibia, Anura) and their importance for recognizing the evolution of this group. In: Pokorný, V. (Ed.) Contribution of Czechoslovak Palaeontology to Evolutionary Science 1945-1985, pp. 89-96. Charles University Press, Prague
33. (1988) List of fossil amphibians of Czechoslovakia. - Acta zoologica cracoviensia, 31: 513-540.
34. FEJFAR, O. & Z. ROČEK (1988) The Lower Miocene vertebrate fauna of Dolnice, Cheb basin (Western Bohemia, Czechoslovakia). - Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Geologica, Špinar Vol., (1986): 233-249.
36. RAGE, J.-C. & Z. ROČEK (1989) Redescription of
Triadobatrachus massinoti (Piveteau, 1936) an anuran amphibian from the early Triassic. - Palaeontographica, Pal. A, 206: 1-16.41. (1992) Triturus alpestris. In: Baruš, V., O. Oliva (eds) Fauna Československa - Amphibia. Academia Praha.
42. (1992) Pelobates fuscus. In: Baruš, V.., O. Oliva (eds) Fauna Československa - Amphibia. Academia Praha.
46. (1993) Holocene anurans from Caucasus. - Asiatic Herpetological Research, Berkeley, 5: 31-44.
48. ROČEK, Z. and J.-C. RAGE (1994) The presumed amphibian footprint Notopus petri from the Devonian: a probable starfish trace fossil. - Lethaia 27: 241-244.
50. (1994) Wolterstorff's contribution to study of fossil anurans. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Museums für Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte, Magdeburg, 17: 39-43.
51. ROČEK, Z. and P. LAMAUD (1995) Further data on
Thaumastosaurus bottii De Stefano, 1903, an anuran (Leptodactylidae) from the Eocene of Europe. - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 15: 506-51552. (1995) A new specimen of Eopelobates (Anura: Pelobatidae) from the Tertiary near Bonn (Germany) and the problem of E. anthracinus - E. bayeri relations. Paläont. Zeitschr. 69: 281-285.
Xenopus. The symposium of the Zoological Society of London, pp. 317-328.55. PEK, I., VAŠÍČEK, J., ROČEK, Z., MIKULÁŠ, R. and M. HAJN (1996) Základy zoopaleontologie. Palacký University Olomouc. /Principles of Zoopaleontology/
56. (1996) Heterochrony: response of Amphibia to cooling events. Geolines 3: 55-58.
59. ROČEK, Z. (1997) Fossil amphibians and reptiles of the Czech Republic. In: Nečas, P., Modrý, D. a V. Zavadil (eds) Czech Recent and Fossil Amphibians and Reptiles. An Atlas and Field Guide, pp. 15-19. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt a.M.
60. ROČEK, Z. and S. HART (eds) (1997) Herpetology ´97. Abstracts of the Third World Congress of Herpetology, Prague 1997. Pp. 1-252.
61. (1997) The salamandrid amphibian Chelotriton (Amphibia: Salamandridae) and related forms from the Tertiary of Europe. In: Roček, Z. and S. Hart (eds) Herpetology ´97. Abstracts of the Third World Congress of Herpetology, Prague 1997. Pp. 175.
62. (1997) Origin of species: An example, the European salamandrid Triturus. In: Roček, Z. and S. Hart (eds) Herpetology ´97. Abstracts of the Third World Congress of Herpetology, Prague 1997. Pp. 175.
63. (1998) Review of fossil anurans of Asia, with description of a new specimen from the Mesozoic of Mongolia. Abstracts of the Third Asian Herpetological Meeting, Almaty, Kazakhstan, p. 33.
64. (1998) Stammesgeschichte und Evolution. Pp. 20-31. In: Hofrichter, R. (ed.) 1988: Amphibien. Evolution, Anatomie, Physiologie, Ökologie und Verbreitung, Verhalten, Bedrohung und Schutz. 264 Seiten. Natur Buch Verlag, Augsburg.
65. (1999) Review of the fossil discoglossids of Europe and their role in evolution of European anurans. Abstracts of the 10th SHE OGM, Irakleon, Crete, pp. 128-130.
66. KRÁLOVEC, K. and ROČEK, Z. (1999) Development of the frontoparietal bone in the Anura. Abstracts of the 10th SHE OGM, Irakleon, Crete, pp. 212-214.
68. ROČEK, Z. and J.-C. RAGE (2000) Anatomical transformations in transition from temnospondyl to proanuran stages. Chapter 12 in: HEATWOLE, H. and R. CARROLL (eds) Amphibian Biology, Vol.4 – Paleontology, pp. 1276-1284. Surrey Beatty & Sons.
69. ROČEK, Z. and J.-C. RAGE (2000) Proanuran stages (Triadobatrachus, Czatkobatrachus) Chapter 13 in: Carroll, R.L. and Heatwole, H.(eds) Chapter 13 in: HEATWOLE, H.and R. CARROLL Amphibian Biology, Vol.4 – Paleontology, pp. 1285-1296. Surrey Beatty & Sons.
70. ROČEK, Z. (2000) Mesozoic Anurans. Chapter 14 in: Carroll, R.L. and Heatwole, H. (eds) Amphibian Biology, Vol. 4 – Paleontology, pp. 1297-1333. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, Australia.
74. ROČEK, Z. (2001). The ethmoidal region of the skull in Amphibia. - J. Morphol. 248: 276.
77. ČIHÁK, R., KRÁLOVEC, K. and ROČEK, Z. (2003) Developmental origin of the frontoparietal bone in Bombina variegata (Anura: Discoglossidae). - Journal of Morphology, 255: 122-129.
78. ROČEK, Z., JOLY, P. and GROSSENBACHER, K. (2003) Triturus alpestris (Laurenti, 1768) - Bergmolch. In: Grossenbacher, K. (ed.) Handbuch der Amphibien und Reptilien Europas. Schwanzlurche IIA, p. 607-656. Aula Verlag, Wiebelsheim.
80. ROČEK, Z. (2003) Živočišné tkáně, orgány a orgánové soustavy. In: Rosypal, S. (ed.) Nový přehled biologie, pp. 333-417. – Scientia Publ. House, Prague /Animal tissues, organs and organ systems; in Czech/.
and ROČEK, Z. (2005):
Development of the pelvis and
posterior part of the vertebral column in the Anura
92. RAGE, J.-C. and ROCEK, Z. (2005): Thaumastosaurus bottii, amphibien anoure des phosphorites. Des anciennes collections aux nouvelles récoltes. Journées Bernard Gèze, Lalbenque & Limogne/en/Quercy, 1-3 Octobre 2005. (1.2 MG)
97. RAGE, J.C. and ROCEK, Z. (2007) A new species of Thaumastosaurus (Amphibia: Anura) from the Eocene of Europe. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27: 329-336.
98. KOLESOVA, H., LAMETSCHWANDTNER, A. and ROCEK, Z. (2007) The evolution of amphibian metamorphosis: insights from the changes in the aortic arches of Pelobates fuscus (Anura). Journal of Anatomy. 210: 379-393.
102. PRIKRYL, T., AERTS, P. HAVELKOVA, P., HERREL, A. and ROCEK, Z. (2009) Pelvic and thigh musculature in frogs (Anura) and origin of anuran jumping locomotion. - Journal od Anatomy 214: 100-139.
104. ROCEK, Z. and WUTTKE, M. (2010) Amphibia of Enspel (Late Oligocene, Germany). - Palaeobiodiversity & Palaeoenvironments 90: 321–340. (2.9 MB)
107. ROČEK, Z., DONG, L., PŘIKRYL, T., SUN, C., TAN, J., WANG, Y. (2011) Fossil frogs (Anura) from Shanwang (Middle Miocene; Shandong Province, China). Geobios 44: 499-518 (available from http://
(2012) Generic diversity and distributional dynamics of the Palaeobatrachidae (Amphibia:
Anura). - Palaeobiodiversity & Palaeoenvironments 92: 367-395 (DOI
comparisons. - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32: 1285-1292. (
ROČEK, Z., GARDNER, J.D., EATON, J.G., and PŘIKRYL, T. (2012)
Similarities and differences in the Ilia of Late Cretaceous anurans and urodeles.
- Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 183: 529-535 (
113. ROČEK, Z. (2013) Mesozoic and Tertiary Anura of Laurasia.
114. ROČEK, Z., WUTTKE, M., GARDNER, J.D. and
DOI 10.1007/s12549-014-0169-5
115. ROBOVSKA-HAVELKOVA, P., AERTS, P., ROCEK, Z., PRIKRYL, T., FABRE, A.-C., and HERREL, A. (2014) Do all frogs swim alike? The effect of ecological specialization on swimming kinematics in frogs. J. Exp. Biol. 2017: 3637-3644 (889 KB)
T. (2015) Frontoparietal Bone in Extinct Palaeobatrachidae (Anura): Its
Variation and Taxonomic Value. The Anatomical Record 298: 1848-1863
(854 KB)
117. ROČEK,
Contribution to the head anatomy
of the basal frog Barbourula busuangensis and the evolution of the Anura.
Russian Journal of Herpetology 23(3): 163-194 (3.7 MB)
A., ROČEK, Z., TSCHOPP, E., VAN DEN HOEK OSTENDE, L. (2016) Palaeobatrachus
eurydices, sp. nov. (Amphibia, Anura), the last western European
palaeobatrachid. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology e1211664, DOI:
119. WANG, Y., ROČEK, Z., DONG, L. (2017) A new pelobatoid frog from the lower Eocene of southern China. Palaeobio Palaeoenv.
120. SYROMYATNIKOVA, E., ROČEK, Z. (2018) New
Latonia (Amphibia: Alytidae) from the late Miocene of northern Caucasus (Russia).
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments
(available from
121. ROČEK, Z., AUGÉ, M.L., GARDNER, J.D. (2018) In memoriam of Jean-Claude Rage. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments (2018) 98:523–525 (1.3 MB)